Day 12 of Fasting

Day 12 – January 13, 2023
Acts 14:23 - “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they put their trust.” 
Decisions are a part of our lives; we make decisions every day. Matter of fact, you may have made the decision to take a break from work just to read this devotion. Hopefully, you will be blessed by His Word and glad you did.

Decisions are so important. Many times, we do not even think about them, we just make them. But our decisions shape our lives: “Who do I marry?” “What do I want to do for a living?” “How can I be saved?” In what church do I want to be planted?” “What can I do for the Lord?” On and on and on….

In Acts fourteen, we see Paul and Barnabas again. This time they are preaching to the Gentiles in Lystra, Derbe, Iconium, and Antioch. They have taught, ministered, and moved from city to city, making disciples. They knew how very important it was that the new disciples have leaders who will continue to encourage them in their faith. The Bible says they appointed elders in the churches AFTER PRAYING AND FASTING.

This may sound simple and just be a reminder, but when you have decisions to make or need the Lord’s direction, fasting and prayer are the BEST WAYS TO GET CLARITY. I know the flesh hurts during a fast, but your sensitivity in hearing the Spirit increases during fasting and prayer. The next time you have a big decision before you, be sure to spend time in prayer and fasting, seeking God for direction. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!
Pastor Brian Rabon

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