Day 4 of Fasting

Day 4  - Thursday, January 5, 2023
“Need Power” 
Mark 9:29  - So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

There are many reasons why we need Jesus' power working in our lives.  If you look back on your life, I imagine you like me can find times when His power came down and helped you. Take a moment and think about a time when if it had not been for the Lord,...  

In this Scripture, Jesus is having a conversation about fasting and prayer with His disciples. The context is a father who was desperate for healing for his son. Jesus saw that father's love for his son and responded by casting out an unclean spirit.  When the disciples saw this, they asked, “Why weren't we able to do so?” Jesus replied by saying that THIS KIND cannot come out but by prayer and fasting.  

What KIND was Jesus talking about? Well, we know that spiritual battles must be fought with spiritual weapons.  When it comes to this KIND of healing, deliverance and winning spiritual battles against demonic forces, Fasting and prayer accompanied by faith are certainly mighty weapons Jesus gives us for victory.  To be honest, I don’t like to deal with, discuss or think about demons. But unfortunately, they are very real and we need God’s power to overcome. If you have been praying for a breakthrough and feel stuck, this is a great opportunity to see what happens when you fast. Many times the Lord answers your prayers in unexpected ways, giving you the tools and the strategies that you need. Or simply, He can give you peace! 

Peace to you! 
Pastor Brian Rabon

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